Matsyodari Shikshan Sanstha's
Ankushrao Tope College, Jalna (MS)
NAAC A Grade, UGC-CPE Status, University Academic Audit A Grade & ISO Certified
The National Assessment and Accreditation Council advocated all the higher education institutions to establish the Internal Quality assurance Cell (IQAC). M.S.S. Ankushrao Tope College established IQAC in the year 2004 as the quality sustenance activity. The IQAC of the college plans, guides and monitors Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement activities of the college. The main function of the IQAC is to channelize the efforts and measures of the college  towards maintaining academic excellence and robust internal governance.
Dr. Gajhans D. S.
(M.A.,Ph.D, NET,SET)
Principal & Chairperson, IQAC
Dr. Patil S. A.
(M.Sc., Ph.D,, B.Ed. )
Vice Principal
Advisor, IQAC
Dr. Karwande S. L.
(M.A.,PhD, SET.)
IQAC Coordinator
Dr. Gajar T.D.
(M.A.,M.Phil., PhD, NET, SET, B.Ed.)
Asst. Coordinator, IQAC
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been working conscientiously since its formation. It is accomplishing various quality enterprises as per the core values identified by NAAC. However, following two cases are worthy of mentioning here to underline IQAC’s contribution in institutionalizing the quality assurance.
Skill-based Courses, N.S.Q.F Courses, Community College Courses, B.Voc.Add on Courses, Add on Course Conducted by ISRO, Courses of Vedanta Foundation, Mumbai, National University Students’ Skill Development (NUSSD) Courses, Professional Development and Administrative Training Programmes
IQAC is very much diligent as far as empowering the teaching faculty and the non-teaching human resources are concerned. In its various meetings, IQAC has taken decisions to organize training programmes for teaching and non-teaching staff of the institute. Following training programmes have been materialized at IQAC’s behest so far:
Strategies of Effective Library Use for 21st Century (2021)
A Three-Day Faculty Development Programme on “Use of ICT in Teaching and Learning.” (2021)
A One-Day Workshop for Support Staff about Fire Safety (2021)
A One-Day Workshop on Soft Skills and Personality Development (2021)
Work Culture and Institutional Development (2019)
Awareness of E-Resources (2019)
Use of ICT in College Level Teaching-Learning Process (2019)
Use of ICT in Teaching Process (Under Faculty Enrichment Programme) (2019)
Outcome Based Education, College Level Teaching-Learning Process (2019)
Use of ICT for Improvement in Teaching Skills (2019)
Workshop on Revised Methodology of NAAC (2018)
Tally Training Workshop (2016)
Thus, the vibrant IQAC of the institute contributes significantly for institutionalizing the quality strategies and processes by empowering and equipping the learners and the staff of the institute.
AQAR - Year 2021-2022
AQAR - YEAR 2022-23
AQAR - YEAR 2023-24